Let's Have A Ball: The rangers attend the homecoming dance. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is an American superhero television series that premiered on August 28, 1993, on the Fox Kids programming block. The Earth Titans are introduced sometime during the series. This is the show's longest series with three seasons totaling 145 episodes. Episode 01: The Legend Reborn: Part 1 Episode 02: The Legend Reborn: Part 2 Episode 03: The Legend Reborn: Part 3 Episode 04: Episode 05: Episode 06: Episode 07: Episode 08: Episode 09: Episode 10: Episode 11: Episode 12: Episode 13: Episode 14: Episode 15: Episode 16: Episode 17: Episode 18. Professor Grooor appears sometime during the series. Premiering August 28, 1993, the first season follows a group of 'teenagers with attitude' who are recruited and trained by the wizard Zordon to fight the evil witch, Rita Repulsa, and her monstrous minions. This is a list of episodes for the American animated television series MMPR: The Animated Series. William becomes the Green Ranger The Monster Hunter is introduced. Major events that happen in the season: The Myth Rangers are assembled. He also could recreate himself after falling apart. Bone scould detach his head and have it fly.

Bones appeared at a carnival and he created a time warp and the Rangers fought with him there.

Finster created this monster from a sculpture he crafted and baked in the Monstermatic. The Dino Fury Rangers have been invigilating where Void knight have gone after they attempt to expose his evil plans after the fight dr akana notice some unusual activitly at area 62 and months have past after she knew the identities just months of research after they secured almost 2 more Sporix Beast and when rest went hibernation Mucus and Slyther have been in charge to await for Void knight return and a new villian name Eries reveal she the true creator of Sporix beast where she appose an real problem to the dino fury rangers it's up to then between Void Knight crew or for the Rangers to collect the remaining Sporix beasts. Here's the list of episodes of the fanfictional series Mighty Morphin Myth Rangers. Season 1 Monsters - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Started on January 29th 2022 it been confirmed by the producers of the show that episode 8 will be the last episode to ever be aired on nickelodeon where starting on march 09th 2022 that the remaining of power rangers dino fury for rest of season will be streaming on Netflix after recent contract deal with saban since contract ending with nickelodeon cut off was on march 05th 2022 and it have been confirmed on the toy fair of February 20th 2022 after Saban announced the future of power rangers that they revealed starting august 28th 2022 power rangers turning 30 years old where they announced the next power rangers would celebrate the long running after episode 1 day of dumpster was released the next super sentai that be serving an adaption would be kikai sentai zenkaiger as Power Rangers Morphin Gears and they plan on releasing 1st 9 episodes on January 8th 2023 on Netflix